Thursday 4 February 2016

Production: Title and Ident audience testing

For the testing of the indents and title font style the choice to use the online questionnaire, . This is to allow ease of access to many people all at once. This means the audience test group can be the whole KS5 opposed to just a handful of students. The final survey will be posted on here after completion.

Production: Google Drive

Due to some of the team being unable to attend some of the post-production time, the decision to make and use a shared space for us all to access anywhere was taken. The use of Google Drive allows all members to access the footage and the latest edits that we have taken. All edited footage is to be dated and clearly labelled for other members of the group to have ease of access.

Monday 1 February 2016

Production: Importing

Today the footage we filmed last month has been imported and saved onto the hard drive of the computer we will be using for our editing.