Wednesday 4 November 2015

Conventions of Motorsport Openings: Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift

Film Name: The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
Director: Justin Lin
Year of Film:2006
Total Awards: 4 Nominations
Box Office: $158,468,292


A teenager becomes a major competitor in the world of drift racing after moving in with his father in Tokyo to avoid a jail sentence in America.

Camera angles and their preferred reading:

  • CU to show match action - This is to show the two characters interacting with each other over their cars. The shot matches the diegetic sounds of him calling him about looking at his 'girl'. The close up shows the audience from the start who is the 'Jock' and who is the 'normal kid'
  • Over should shot - This is during the conversations to show the props of the cars too the audience and what each car the driver has, to indicate the wealth and type of character.
  • CU of facial expressions - This shot it to show the audience roughly what the character is thinking to the current situation
  • SRS to the crowd of 'Jocks' - This is used to suggest to the audience that the character is under a lot of pressure from his fiends to act the way he does. 
  • XLS of crowd gathering - This connotes to the audience of a school fight where everyone adds to the pressure for violence.
  • Low angle CU to show the wrench - This wrench is not only San icon of the Motorsport genre, it also is used to suggest the idea of violence in a school environment.
  • SRS during more dialogue - This is used to show how each character responds to the other and the crowd and what they are likely to do, this gives the audience the sense of being part of the crowd.
The costumes of the characters are used to distinguish the types of character from one an other, the purple jerseys are used to connote the jocks who are the popular kids at the school, the basic clothing of the main characters is to suggest to the audience he is a 'normal' kid who has no outstanding qualities but fits in.

All the sound is diegetic and the use of engine sounds are a music motif to Motorsport. 

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